Speaker Dumitru Misin


Dumitru Misin

Director of Programming and Acquisitions

Jurnal TV

Dumitru Mișin is a prominent figure in the media landscape of Moldova, with an impressive career in journalism and television. Starting as a TV presenter at EUTV in Chișinău and continuing as a live and economic reporter at Publika TV, Dumitru has built a solid reputation through professionalism and dedication. Since 2018, he has also held the position of Director of Programming at Jurnal TV, where he has revolutionized the station's portfolio by strategically diversifying its content.

 For over five years, Dumitru has been analyzing Nielsen data to develop content strategies aimed at countering the unfair competition from Russian content and increasing the popularity of local productions. Together with his team at Jurnal TV, he has implemented innovative solutions to boost audience numbers, drawing inspiration from successful examples in similar international markets.

As a moderator of political talk shows and electoral debates at Jurnal TV, Dumitru is recognized for his impartiality and professionalism.

Active in the media industry, Dumitru is a dedicated advocate for unbiased information, media literacy, and the diversification of media culture. As a member of the editorial board at Jurnal TV, he influences the station's editorial direction and contributes to the enrichment of Moldova's media landscape.

Speaking on: Meet An Expert (Networking Breakfast)


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