Speaker Vasha Wallace


Vasha Wallace

EVP, Global Acquisitions & Development

Fremantle Media Limited

Vasha Wallace is EVP Global Acquisitions & Development at Fremantle, one of the world's largest and most successful producers of outstanding entertainment television encompassing hit formats from Idols, The X Factor, to Got Talent,
Too Hot to Handle, Password and Family Feud. Vasha’s role encompasses the development, acquisition, international roll out and brand management of entertainment formats. Vasha works with Fremantle’s global network of production companies,
identifying programme opportunities, undertaking analysis in the latest market trends, and presenting her findings internally and externally. She cultivates and manages relationships with content creators, distributors, and the independent television production community. Vasha sits on the Board as a Director of five Fremantle production companies.

Speaking on: COMPETITION: Pitch & Play LIVE!


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